A huge blue lotus flower blooms in the pond. Here comes the lotus fairy. She has purple hair and travels with a big leaf. She goes to the battlefields and hospitals to help victims of the natural disasters and man-made calamities. The lotus fairy spreads the petals across every corner of the world to express her care and love.池塘中,一朵巨大的藍色蓮花盛開,蓮花仙子出現了。她一頭紫色短髮,穿著粉紅白連身裙和綠色鞋子,帶著含苞待放的小蓮花,乘著蓮葉出遊。她走到戰地及醫院送上愛心。不論遇上人禍或天災,難民急需社會善心人士伸出援手。蓮花仙子就把小蓮花的花瓣散佈在世界不同的角落,傳播她的愛心。