“The Unfinished Tattoo” is a captivating story about the misunderstanding between a tattoo shop owner, Notch, and his tattoo practice pig, Raphy. Set in present day, Notch is going to give Raphy a new tattoo. However, when Notch starts his practice, the words of the new tattoo “N1N1” puts Raphy in a whirlwind of emotional turmoil due to the fear of getting abandon. A chaos is created inside the tattoo shop due to Raphy’s fright.
(The text is provided by the student)這是一個關於紋身店主和他的紋身練習豬之間的誤解小故事。一天,紋身店主想給他的練習豬紋一個新的紋身。但是在紋身店主開始紋身的時候,練習豬突然看到紋身的草稿和圖案,這個草稿和圖案令到練習豬深陷在情緒動蕩的旋風中,害怕這個新紋身是被拋棄的先兆。豬的驚慌,令到紋身店內部造成混亂。