Fortune Cookie AwardFortune Cookie Award
Mapping Invisible comprises four psychogeography maps, intricately blending repetitive word cloud text and textured constructs. This work shows my direct and indirect encounters with the city, how the environment shaped my self-identity. And through these maps, the series deconstructs my connection to the city, inviting viewers to contemplate the intertwining of place and identity.
(The text is provided by the student)
由四張心理地理學地圖組成,錯綜複雜地混合了重複的文本和紋理結構。 這件作品展示了我與城市的直接和間接的接觸,以及環境如何塑造我的自我認同。透過這些地圖,該系列解構了我與城市的聯繫,邀請觀眾思考地點和身份的交織。