When Cheung Kai-Yeung packs the belongings of his deceased mother, he discovers an undelivered parcel. Out of curiosity, he follows the address but finds that the occupants have moved. With the help of a friend, he finally meets the recipient and his son and reveals a secret story of his mother.蔣繼揚收拾母親的遺物時,發現了一盒沒有寄出的包裹,為了見收件人一面,他展開尋人之旅。到達目的地時,剛巧遇上被父親逐出家門的夏苡雅,原來收件人已搬遷,幸得苡雅之助,繼揚得知收件人的新地址。兩人在途中遇見頑童豪仔,豪仔知道目的地,引領他倆到村莊。湊巧收件人竟是豪仔的父親,包裹是給豪仔的......