The Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre is a local certification body for organic products. Their duties include the regulation of the organic farming community and the promotion of local organic farming products to general public. Organic products with the certification label are available at supermarkets, farmer’s markets and organic farms.隨著有機菜受大眾歡迎,香港部份農場轉為有機耕種。漁護署提供相關服務,教導農民如何施肥、驅蟲等。香港有機資源中心是驗證機構,農場只要符合檢驗標準,會獲發驗證證書。市民可以到超級市場、農墟或農場選購有機食品。蔬菜統營處在包裝上貼上認證標籤,協助農友分銷。除驗證服務外,香港有機資源中心還舉辦活動,加深公眾對有機食物的認識。