Liu, a killer, is assigned a new mission. Liu shoots the target with a rifle, but the target luckily escapes when he adjusts his watch. Liu sets up a time bomb, but the target leaves before it explodes. That evening, the target and his daughter chat at the pier. It is a good time for Liu...殺手流砂接受任務,狙殺目標人物。天台上,流砂使用來福槍遠距離射殺,但因目標人物低下頭調整手錶時間,逃過一劫。球場上,流砂以計時炸彈殺害。但因目標人物的手錶慢了,他錯過約會並及時離開球場。時間錯亂,令流砂的任務一再失敗。碼頭上,目標人物兩父女交談,正是暗殺的好時機......