Aquaculture fisheries have been described as a sunset industry but there are still some who find opportunities in the sector. Some second-generation fishermen are eager to try out new business models on their fish breeding rafts. For example, for a fee they allow people to come on to their raft to fish.漁民後代自小幫助父母出海捕魚,減輕家庭負擔。隨著漁業式微,他們唯有另謀出路。許多漁民後代學歷不高,從事陸上基層工作,在假日才到魚排幫忙;部分的則重操故業,克紹箕裘。漁排的用途作多元化發展,變成娛樂的地方。他們怎樣把漁業的危機轉為契機,這取決於抉擇與毅力。最重要的是學習變通,他們必須接受社會轉變帶來的挑戰。