The 7th International Student Film and Video Festival of Beijing Film Academy [Finalist], The 28th International VGIK Student Festival [Finalist]第七屆北京電影學院國際學生影視作品展 2008「入圍名單」, 第二十八屆莫斯科電影學院國際學生電影獎 2008「入圍作品」
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Academy of Film電影學院  |  Bachelor學士  |  2008
00:23:0000:23:00  |  Movies劇情片

Long is asked to deliver a cow to a friend of his grandpa, but the truck driver drops them off half way in Yuen-Long. Long asks the passers-by about the direction, but nobody knows. He then ties the cow to a railing and looks for the direction. The cow attracts lots of onlookers. Finally the police... 牛童阿朗替爺爺送黃牛到東安村。半路途中,貨車司機無故地把他們棄置於元朗市。阿朗不斷向途人問路,可惜徒勞無功。黃牛累了,阿朗將牠拴在鐵欄杆上,繼續四處問路。牛隻在鬧市出現,吸引大量好奇的市民圍觀。警察到場後先疏散圍觀的市民,隨即......
APA: WONG, Tsun Yin Derwin; O, Chi Fei王俊賢; 柯智斐. (2008). Holy Cow牛童. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage:
MLA: WONG, Tsun Yin Derwin; O, Chi Fei王俊賢; 柯智斐. "Holy Cow牛童". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2008. Web. 07 Oct. 2024. <>.

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