During the Cultural Revolution, Gouzi wants to be part of the Red Guards. One day he discovers a forbidden work of art under a bed. He rushes out to give it to some passing Red Guards, and proudly receives an armband from them. But his joy turns to despair as ...文革期間,小男孩(狗子)羨慕同學(鐵蛋)當上紅衛兵,幻想自己也成為其中一員。在路上,他想借鐵蛋的紅衛兵袖套一帶,卻被鐵蛋揶揄一番。回家後,狗子在床下找到「反革命物品」。他立即跑到街上,巧遇一隊紅衛兵,把它交出,還告訴他們發現的地點。狗子獲得紅衛兵臂章,得意洋洋,豈料……