The video producer forms a group with some college students and social workers, visiting street sleepers in Sheung Wan regularly. The producer finds that most street sleepers either cannot afford the high rent or get into an argument with their families. This group hopes to help street sleepers have a better living environment.作者零晨走訪上環,與一班大專生及社工等跟進露宿者的情況,他們每星期探訪露宿者1-5次。作者發現部分露宿者雖然有工作,卻因負擔不起昂貴租金,或因與家人爭執,寧願走上街頭露宿。作者團隊曾協助露宿者Peter搬進宿舍暫住,後卻因宿位不足而令他再次回到街頭。作者欲出書描述香港露宿者情況,以宣揚關愛服務,但因不同因素唯有把計劃擱置。