Excavator has excavated the valuable history by the time of high-speed infrastructural development in our city. The lengthy train is chasing the diminishing world along the everlasting time river and leading us to our origin.
History repeats itself. An ancient well forces the people of this city to look into the unexposed origin and to rethink our current living patterns and the socially built ethics. Those currently built or planning to be built are facing the challenges. What is the meaning behind this sudden discovery? Is there any implication on the discovery?
(The text is provided by the student)當經濟基建的快速發展,被掘土機發掘出的歷史得以重見天日。這列長長的鐵路列車追趕上那個離去的世界,回溯到起點。一口古井,人們再一次面對這年輪般的封塵歷史,再一次面對日常生活規律及道德規範被挑戰的現況,人們該如何觀看歷史的小插曲。