Jewellery is a portable medium that allows the wearers to share their mind with public audiences. Once I wear this collection, I invite the audiences to play traditional Tangram with me. Through forming various combinations with the standard seven pieces, I re-examine that the principle remains essentially the same despite the appearance changes.
(The text is provided by the student)
首飾可以是一個便攜的、讓穿戴者在不同時間、地點俱能向觀者分享其個人想法的媒介 。而通過穿戴這系列的作品,我嘗試邀請觀者與我一起參與傳統的七巧板遊戲。在重覆使用固有的七塊幾何板以拼湊不同圖形組合的過程當中,我重新審視「萬變不離其宗」的原則。