It is no longer an incurable disease, but you have to pay a high cost of treatment. The side effect of medicine and surgery will damage your morale, so you will feel tired and weak. At this moment, the only way to overcome is to be strong. My work records the feelings when I am facing illness. The explosion of painful emotions and inner struggles when I paint this series.
(The text is provided by the student)它已經不再是一個無法根治的疾病,但是要治癒它必須付出沉重的代價。藥物和手術的負作用會摧毀你的鬥志、使你肉體與心靈均疲憊不堪、軟弱無力。此時,堅強成了唯一的武器助你打敗這一場漫長戰爭。 我的作品紀錄了面對疾病與死亡威脅時的感受、經過。曾壓抑的痛苦、內在掙扎在創作期間一觸即發。