Registered pharmacies selling counterfeit drugs? Business difficulties encourage pharmacies to take risks. Some believe that the separation of prescribing from dispensing is the only solution to the drug market monopoly. Opponents argue that the root cause lies in poor government monitoring. As various parties struggle on for a solution, what are Hong Kongers to do?正牌藥房賣假藥?香港藥房總商會會長指出,生意難做,有藥房會鋌而走險。他支持醫藥分家,認為這是唯一解決醫療市場長久壟斷的辦法。香港醫學會會長則認為,這不是適當的時候推行該項措施,賣假藥只是政府監管不力而種下的禍根。政府修改有關的實務守則,讓藥劑師成為藥房監護人。社會各界致力尋求解決問題的方法。市民應該怎樣自處呢?