Urban renewal radically changed the face of Wan Chai. Some blame the government for destroying their home; others continue the legacy of its culture. A retired woman volunteers as a guide; an artist writes a comic criticising conservation practices; another films the story of Wan Chai. Perhaps this was not meaningless after all ...灣仔社區重建,導致面目全非,令土生土長的灣仔人心痛。有人怪責政府拆毀他們的家園;有人爭取保衛社區,延續灣仔的情懷。有退休人士作導賞員,傳承社區的記憶;有商人用金錢留住歷史建築,推廣香港文化;有畫家以漫畫批評洪聖古廟的保育手法;有創作人拍攝短片,記錄了在灣仔發掘的故事。灣仔的舊建築物遭到拆毀,是不是毫無意義呢?