Asia One Award for Chinese Arts宏亞中國藝術獎
I consider soup as a family heritage that refers to the qualities of honor and pride handed down from the past, and they will soon be passed to the future after my sister gives birth to her baby. Six groups of seal indicate six kinds of soup suitable for different family members and stages in life.
I had mixed the soup with sodium alginate in a bath of calcium to form spheres, then preserves them in the seal stone. The efficacy of medical soup and some daily episodes are recorded in the seal, with the flexible and archaic Chinese characters in oracle bone script. The subtle changes in the thickness of strokes and the size of words executed the rhythm in the seal impression.
Stressing on the experimental materials and processes, I would like to break the decent image of traditional Chinese seal engraving. I intentionally arranged the seal impressions asymmetrically. The denseness and sparseness help emphasise the fluidity of soup and the liveliness of archaic characters. The circle symbolizes the sense of reunion and harmony, while the shape of soup bowl is also a circle. I had framed the seal impressions as circles, completing the relationship between family and soup.
(The text is provided by the student)