Sur Prize 全場拍手獎
Once, a young fool wanted to create happy memories for his friends before graduation. He cooked and dined for them for a month. He hoped they'd remember this happy time as they stepped into the challenges of the real world.
In the end, he hopes that we can be brave as a simple person in the future, which is already very good enough.
曾經,一個傻仔想喺畢業前為佢嘅朋友們製造一段快樂的回憶。 佢為咗佢哋煮咗一個月嘅飯。 佢希望佢哋係踏入面社會之前,可以記住呢段曾經為咗一啲好簡單嘅嘢而開心一日嘅自己。