I see life as a playful adventure, as I believe being playful is to be true to myself and is a way to share joy with others. Kai Tak Campus has always been a playground to me, and its playfulness has inspired me to craft my own playful device. By incorporating the playful elements into the heritage ground of the campus, it empowers the rocky surface to pop up with bouncy springs, contrasting its original form distinctively. The recreation of joy-jumping is re-created. So bounce as you are!
(The text is provided by the student)生命就像一個富玩味的冒險旅程,我認為抱著及時玩樂的心態去感受生活是一種誠實面對自己的態度,同時亦能與他人分享快樂。對我來說,啟德校園就像是個遊樂場,也啟發了我去創造自己的遊樂設施。我現將玩樂感融入這片遺跡,讓彈簧將這片古舊石地彈起,相映成趣,彈出躍動感。你彈故你在!