It is about the impossible fantasy in the place of origin. This work was inspired by the research on Tsz-Sha Ancient Trail, especially about the past history of Kowloon Peninsula. It used to be a salina but was then rapidly reclaimed for development. It is perplexing and discouraging to read such unchangeable history. However, if we could lead our subjective emotion to reassemble those external truths, it may provide a way out for thinking.
There is a Sea in Tsz Wan Shan uses film photography, moving images and data research to describe the history of Tsz-Sha Ancient Trail, the interview about the East Kowloon space and the research of its sea salt, proving that the fantasy of having a sea in Tsz Wan Shan is true.這是一個對於成長地的沒可能的幻想。作品受到慈沙古道的研究所啟發,特別關於曾是鹽田的東九龍海域,但及後被急劇填海發展。當看著這些歷史資料時,會因為無法逆轉被改變的外在環境,而感到灰心困惑,但若把資料拼湊在主觀情感下,或許能為此提供思考的出路。