One's behaviours reflect one's thinking; one's actions reflect one's beliefs. Instead of indulging in day dreams, one needs to step out bravely and determinedly, and strives to create infinite possibilities. Despite being inexperienced, one may live out a unique side of life through the intertwining fate.
In über-dream, the depicted child is wearing suoyi, a type of traditional Chinese raincoat. In ancient times, children put on this thin raincoat in stormy and snowy weather. The choice of stone in this work embodies the tenacity of achieving dreams and the spirit of fearless exploration. The geometric iron plates are made of modern, industrial materials, yet it communicates the spirit of determination and perseverance from ancient times, connecting with contemporary society, creating space for reflection upon our soul and life.
(The text is provided by the student)人的行為反映人的思想。人的動作反映人的信念。似是而非的空想浮游於半空中。等待的,應是勇敢堅毅的踏出一步,塑造出無限的可能性。儘管蹣跚學步,環環相扣的命運總會把人引向一段獨一無二的生命歷程。