Like many others, Dik Ka Chun dreams of becoming a superhero, who defeats villains and upholds the order of the society. Unlike those who easily back down on challenges, he does not compromise his principles nor turn a blind eye to injustice. Want to be a superhero? Simply keep a clear conscience.狄嘉駿自小的志願是成為「超人」,替天行道、儆惡懲奸,朋輩稱他為「迪加」。從前希望成為超人的,不只迪加一個,但其他人經歷錯敗後,從此意志消沈,再沒有勇氣面對「怪獸」!「怪獸」放之於現實,就是那些不公平、不公義的事情,凡人對「怪獸」敬而遠之,迪加卻挺身而出,周旋到底,永不言敗。