10 year old Kei Kei has a rare brain disorder, known as lissencephaly. Doctors said she would only live to be 2 years old, but her parents would not give up on her. Their religious faith gets them through the tough times. In fact Kei Kei’s name, means “little prayer.” This story brings you through the highs and lows of life.十歲女孩陳煦祈(祈祈)患有罕見的「平腦症」。平腦症是先天的腦部缺陷病,患者不能走動、說話和自己進食。祈祈出生前,醫生告知她的父母,祈祈只能活到約兩歲。他們積極面對困難,對祈祈不離不棄,悉心照顧。多年來,祈祈的父母以愛心和宗教信仰衝破重重難關,經歷人生的高低起伏……