The head of the village finds Feng guilty and requests him to pay for Liu's medical expenses. Liu goes to Feng's house to collect the money but is bitten by a dog, which is found dead afterwards. Liu becomes the prime suspect. When Liu gets drunk, he gets a chance to revive his reputation as he sees the same dog. Only if he can catch it...劉二水作弄馮貴,馮貴憤而擊傷了他。村長裁決,馮貴賠償醫藥費給二水。賠款當日,二人陰差陽錯,沒有碰面,二水郤走到馮貴家索償,給馮貴的狗(灰灰)咬傷。灰灰給人殺害,二水否認行凶。村人認定二水說謊,最後他眾叛親離。一晚,二水借酒消愁時,迷迷糊糊間看見灰灰,他決意追捕灰灰,還自己一個清白之身……