Confession booth in church is where penitents come confess to their sins and ask for forgiveness from above. From religion’s point of view, unraveling the sins to god is a way to unleash themselves from their mental suffer. Because of identity, along with other historical and political factors, freedom of speech is not practically possible. Borrowing the idea of confession booth, this work creates a room for the audience to relieve their burden, both emotional and practical, to the air via FM communication anonymously with no add-on stress nor replies from above. This is a room of absolute freedom for people to freely express themselves.
(The text is provided by the student)每一個人心中都有想說的東西,但因為一些原因,我們都不能表達出來。希望大家能在告解室內沒有任何顧忌地盡情說話,此一刻的頻道正是屬於你的。