Jae and Him meet at a friend's wedding. It is an awkward moment. After the wedding, Him is dead drunk, so Jae drives him home. From here to there, memories emerges and return them to the past – the passions and dramas of their youth. Can this night journey mends the broken past of this two men?卓生與黃柏謙在同學的婚宴上碰面,狀甚尷尬。婚宴後,柏謙喝醉了,卓生駕車載他回家。從赤柱到天水圍之間的車程,每一件小事都把他們的思緒帶回過去。瘋狂的青春,青澀的戀愛,兩人的往事在他們的對答中一一浮現。卓生與柏謙的關係究竟何時破裂呢?沿途傾談能否修補兩人之間的裂痕呢?