A showcase of the campaign strategies for Chief Executive candidate Kowloon Chan. The slogan, “Dare is Hope”, fashions Chan as Hong Kongers' hope. The campaign includes billboards that transform with ambient light and a public graffiti event using lights and shadows. These serve to promote his name and establish him as a creative politician.此短片介紹為模擬特首「陳九龍」選舉而創作的宣傳概念。這個宣傳計劃以「敢就有希望」作為口號,把陳九龍的形象塑造成香港人的希望,既創新又富活力。宣傳計劃包括有隨著日光而變化的大型廣告板宣傳,和光影塗鴉互動宣傳活動,讓市民能參與其中,提升陳九龍的知名度及鞏固其創新的形象。