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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  1997
00:04:0000:04:00  |  Animations動畫

In a lab, Clone 02 vaguely remembers the process of cloning. After waking up, he tries to escape from the lab. Suddenly the alarm goes off, so he breaks into a run. In an incinerator, he sees many dead bodies, and one of them is his lookalike. Clone 02 is very scared. At that very moment, someone shoots at him ... 在實驗室裡,複製人02號腦海中浮現出複製的過程。他在房間甦醒過來,發覺有人監視,伺機從房中逃走。警號響起,他慌忙狂奔,赫然發現,有屍體從管道掉下鎔爐去,其中一具與他的外貌一模一樣,額上刻有03數字。複製人02號驚慌不已,正想逃跑,突然被雷射擊中,倒地不起,開鎗的正是……
APA: CHAN, Suk YinCHAN, Suk Yin. (1997). ReplicaReplica. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010149
MLA: CHAN, Suk YinCHAN, Suk Yin. "ReplicaReplica". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 1997. Web. 10 Feb. 2025. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010149>.

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