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Department of Journalism新聞系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2015
00:15:0000:15:00  |  Documentaries紀錄片

End of the Line in Life

After experiencing her grandmother’s death, Kimmy deceided she wanted to assist the families of others experiencing a loss in the familiy at the Holy Carpenter Community Centre. There she aids families in acknowledging their loved ones’ loss. See how others do the same, like Christina who arranges memorials for families mourning children, or Pearl who engages artistic performances as a way of mourning those who have passed.
摯愛的外祖母辭世,Kimmy十分難過,推己及人,加入聖匠堂做義工,幫助他人面對親人逝世的難關。她的拍檔明燕主要負責照顧喪親者的情緒。她認為最難處理的個案,就是小朋友離世。「心繫心」是香港首間提供專業哀傷輔導和生死教育的社會企業,主辦生死教育展覽,這些展品記錄了一班長者生命裡最值得懷念的時刻。展覽的目的是想教育參觀者生命的意義。Pearl也致力於推廣生死教育,透過藝術表演的方式去表達死亡。她認為,死亡唯一的意義就是讓我們知道生命的價值。Death Cafe每隔幾個月,舉辦一次聚會,讓參加者一起討論生死。死亡雖是無可避免,我們在世的時候,或者可以選擇活得好一點……
APA: WONG, Sze Hang黃思行. (2015). 生命終點站生命終點站. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011114
MLA: WONG, Sze Hang黃思行. "生命終點站生命終點站". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2015. Web. 27 Jul. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011114>.

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