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Department of Journalism新聞系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2018
00:16:0000:16:00  |  Documentaries紀錄片

The term "Hakka" has a specific meaning. | Professor Xiao Wenping from the Hakka Research College of Jiaying University explains that during the late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty, a large number of people from Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong moved to the Hanjiang Delta or the Pearl River Delta area. These people settled down to raise their offsprings in the local area. The Hakka people in Meizhou have very strong ethnic identities. | Lai Xialin, resident of a Hakka walled village, was born here but later moved to other places. He still remembers his ancestral home from childhood. | Professor Xiao points out that the construction of the Hakka walled village has a whole set of rules and is different from other buildings. It has its own complete structural system and special layout. | Ancestors are the heart of Hakka families, and the ancestral temple is the centre of the Hakka walled village. Family members living together are bound by the idea of yin and yang, life and death. | Lai Yuan, a resident of the Hakka walled village, said that they have received news about 7 or 8 years ago that they would be evicted by the government… Zeng Ran is the deputy director of the Urban and Rural Planning Bureau of Xingning. He talks about the prospect of the newly developing southern city area. He said that the government has to dismantle buildings that are neglected, in disrepair or having low value. Those lands should be used for development and it is impossible for the city to stay unchanged. | Lai Xialin believes that if the Hakka walled village is demolished, Hakka life would be the same as urban life, and the customs of the Hakka New Year would also disappear. Lai Yuan recalls the sentiment of others: "An ancestral home that you cannot return to"... 「客家」是有特定的含義。嘉應學院客家研究院蕭文評教授指出,明末清初,大量江西、福建和廣東人移居韓江三角洲或珠江三角洲地區。這些人在當地落地生根、開枝散葉。梅州的客家人最有強烈自我認同的意識。LAI Xialin是圍龍屋的居民,在這裡出生,後來遷往外地,仍然懷念童年時的祖屋。蕭教授又指出,圍龍屋的建築與其他的不一樣,是一整套的。它的佈局……。祖先是家族的核心,宗祠是圍龍屋村落的核心,族人都生活在一起,陰陽生死聯繫起來。圍龍屋的居民LAI Yuan講述,他們在七八年前已收到消息,這一帶會被徵收……。曾然是興寧市住房和城鄉規劃建設局副局長,陳述南部新城的發展前景。他表示,政府拆除年久失修而保存價值低的建築物,徵收該塊土地作發展用途。城市要發展,不可能不變。LAI Xialin認為,如果圍龍屋被拆掉,那麼他們跟城市生活沒有區別了,過年的習俗就會消失。LAI Yuan引用他人的話:回不去的故鄉……
APA: LAI, Haocheng賴浩成. (2018). My Homeless Town故鄉異客. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011284
MLA: LAI, Haocheng賴浩成. "My Homeless Town故鄉異客". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2018. Web. 02 Mar. 2025. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011284>.

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