Professor Raymond Fung Award for Chinese Painting馮永基教授中國繪畫創作獎
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Academy of Visual Arts視覺藝術院  |  Bachelor學士  | 
Mineral pigments礦物顏料  |  160 x 140, 60 x 40 cm160 x 140, 60 x 40 厘米 Drawing / Painting繪畫 / 油畫  | 

The inspiration for this work came from my diary. I once flipped through my diary and realised that I was in a state of depression when I was in Germany last year. I mentioned the word ‘room' a lot in my diary and complained about the emptiness of my room. It made me hard to sleep and I even had nightmares about it.
In order to make the room look more full, I created an exhibition space in the room. An IKEA coffee table, a rag and a bottle of cleaning solution made up the installation, and the artwork stayed in the room for a few months until I left Germany.

(The text is provided by the student)


APA: Yeung Nga Fei楊雅斐. (). The RoomThe Room. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage:
MLA: Yeung Nga Fei楊雅斐. "The RoomThe Room". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, . Web. 17 Sep. 2024. <>.

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