Terry scores zero in a test. He worries that his mother would dump all his toys because of his bad result, so he holds a secret meeting with his toys, the Devil Bear and Robot. They plan to burn the test paper or hide it under the bookshelf. Will this plan work?特里放學回家,靜悄悄地走入房間,在玩具箱裡找出玩具熊和機械人。原來他的試卷只有零分,特里害怕母親沒收他所有的玩具,於是召開緊急會議,展開絕密的作戰計劃。機械人與玩具熊絞盡腦汁,擬定方案,嘗試把試卷燒了,又或把它壓在檯底,究竟他的作戰計劃能否成功呢?