Mingzi was adopted by Grandpa and they grew up together. Now an adult, Mingzi works on his research in biomedicine while taking care of Grandpa, who is aging as the day goes by. One day, Mingzi returns home to find his Grandpa dying. Mingzi injects some medicine of his own into Grandpa ...老人領養孤兒明子,二人以爺孫相稱,相依為命。明子長大後進入科研機構工作,一面努力研發新的活化細胞藥物,一面繼續照顧風燭殘年的爺爺。一天,明子發現工作房間的大門鎖上了,恰巧爺爺打來電話,明子於是冒險爬窗離開。他回到家裡,爺爺已奄奄一息,明子迫於無奈,從口袋裡拿出實驗藥物注射到爺爺體內,結果……