Dealing with the choices in daily routine, there is always a dualism in my mind. However, I can only make one decision within this body. Therefore, I need to dialogue to myself and make the final decision. My work shows my feelings on the struggle and iterant dialogue between these two thoughts. And this dialogue would continue until an unforeseeable time.
(The text is provided by the student)在處理一些日常的事情或選擇上,我內心多數都有兩種對立而矛盾的想法。但無奈在這個身體裏我只能做出一個決定,所以我需要和自己對話去找出一個這兩個想法都同意的決定。 我透過我的作品表演出這兩個想法對話時的掙扎和重複性,然而我郤不知這對話的終止是哪時。