In an attempt to avoid getting married, Ah Nam rents a haunted flat from his "frienemy," who leaves him only a Buddhist bracelet for protection. A female ghost, Ah Soo, watches the new tenant with uncertainty. Can anything move this spirit's heart again, or will she continue to terrorise all within the haunted flat?阿南逃婚,被損友威逼利誘,租住凶宅。臨走時,損友給他一串佛珠手鍊。阿南有易服癖,穿著不同款式的女裝衣服,在鏡前搔首弄姿。女鬼阿索瞥見他背上的紋身,有點疑惑。阿南看著電視做健身操,阿索居然從電視機裡走出來,連環出拳,把他擊昏。阿南甦醒後,在洗手間放下手鍊,阿索於是捉弄他,他慌忙逃走。危急關頭,阿南用泰語大叫:「媽媽,我愛你!」這句話觸動了阿索的心靈。她憶起往事,心中泛起百般滋味……