An advertisement for Fortune Pharmacal: Despite knowing each other for years, the boy never tells the girl his feelings for her. One day, he gathers his courage and asks her out for a movie. Then, he learns that the girl has always been waiting for him. Rather than letting opportunity pass, why not take an extra step?這是為幸福傷風素製作的宣傳短片。相處多年,男生始終不敢向女生說出心中的感覺,兩人的關係因此沒有進展。一天,男生終於鼓起不知從哪裡來的勇氣,邀請女生去看電影,才發現原來她已等候男生的表示多時。與其因錯失機會而後悔,不如趁早走多一步。