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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2011
00:02:0000:02:00  |  Advertising廣告策略

This video has two parts: (1) In a classroom full of different people (housewives, hawkers, students, office workers, etc.), a teacher is teaching the word "awesome". No student can pronounce it correctly; (2) In the same classroom, the teacher is teaching the word "fantastic". Students can pronounce it and sing it well ... 影片共分兩小節:(一)課室裡坐滿來自不同階層的人,有白領、學生、家庭主婦、街市肉檔從業員等。同學們都不能讀出英文單字“Awesome”的正確發音,老師糾正他們的錯誤;(二)同一課室內,老師教導同學們英文單字“Fantastic”的讀音,他們不但發音準確,而且能夠把這個字唱出來……
APA: AU, Ka Sin區嘉倩. (2011). Awesome & FantasticAwesome & Fantastic. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010517
MLA: AU, Ka Sin區嘉倩. "Awesome & FantasticAwesome & Fantastic". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010517>.

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