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Academy of Film電影學院  |  Bachelor學士  |  2015
00:05:0000:05:00  |  Advertising廣告策略

Is time more important than health? To promote the drawbacks of staying up late, a campaign with four activities will be held. (1) A performance art. Four helpers line up straight on the Li Promenade, and each hold a banner stating, "I stay up late, so I think slowly", "I stay up late, so I doze off in class", "I stay up late, so my weight keeps gaining", and "I stay up late, so I am not beautiful enough" to attract people’s attention. Then, they fall down one by one. (2) Promotion. Helpers distribute leaflets to students and passers-by. (3) A free medical consultation simulation. A "Chinese medicine practitioner" offers a free "medical consultation" to a patient, who is asked whether she stayed up late on bed. Then, the "Chinese medicine practitioner" educates the patients the drawbacks of staying up late, and at the same time give her a drink and a "prescription". (4) A post-interview. Helpers interview the patient and ask for her reflection after understanding the drawbacks of staying up late. Staying up late seems to help us earn a lot of time, but actually it also shortens our lives. Is it worth? 時間比健康重要?宣傳晚睡壞處的活動,分為四部分。第一部分:行為藝術。在李作權大道上,四名工作人員一字橫排而立,拿著橫額:「我夜瞓,所以個腦轉得慢」、「我夜瞓,所以上堂瞌眼瞓」、「我夜瞓,所以減極都肥」、「我夜瞓,所以唔夠人哋靚」,吸引途人注意。其後,她們相繼「昏倒」下來。第二部分:宣傳。工作人員向同學們或途人派發小單張。第三部分:假義診。「中醫師」免費「義診」,詢問「病者」是否晚睡?然後告訴她晚睡帶來的壞影響,給她一杯飲品和一張「藥方」。第四部分:事後小訪問。工作人員訪問「病者」,「病者」知道晚睡的壞處後,剖白內心的感受。晚睡,時間好像多了,但生命短了,值得嗎?
APA: CHAN, Sze Nga; CHEUNG, Man Ying; FONG, Wing Yee; HONG, Siu Na陳詩雅; 張敏瀅; 方詠儀; 康少娜. (2015). Sleep EarlierSleep Earlier. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011014
MLA: CHAN, Sze Nga; CHEUNG, Man Ying; FONG, Wing Yee; HONG, Siu Na陳詩雅; 張敏瀅; 方詠儀; 康少娜. "Sleep EarlierSleep Earlier". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2015. Web. 22 Oct. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011014>.

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