Prof. Shao comments on young peoples’ increasingly open sexual attitudes. Ah Er relates that she’s had frequent casual sexual encounters with people she has met online or in nightclubs. Not all feel that casual with some college students describing a relationship as a natural progression with sex. But with all these changes in behaviour, one wonders could it lead to an increase in STDs ...男女大學生當街野合的短片引起社會廣泛關注。學者邵家臻指出,現今年輕人的性態度愈來愈開放,交合已是社交一部份。阿兒(化名)曾經多次發生friend前性行為及一夜情,性伴侶大都在網上討論區和酒吧認識的。葉茂生曾與同學一起召妓,在朋友(不論男女)間分享各自的性經驗和評論床伴的性表現。他認為,性行為是男女交往中擔當重要角色。張小輝坦言,他有女友後會盡快性交,卻介意將來的太太不是處女。鄭瑞雪反對男生有處女情意結,認為男女應該要性平等。潘潔欣覺得性愛應建基於感情上,不能接受有性無愛。性觀念的開放可以令人增加「性」的認識,也許讓人有更好的性生活。不過,這可能增加未婚懷孕的機會或染上性病的風險……