The intention is to engage the body in its own self though real-time reaction. Expressing worship of things by reacting excessively to the beauty of things. Relying too much on an immediate response leads to signs of regurgitation. Animality. However, through the habit of self-observation, let own self be immersed in the depths, and thus become quiet. This pile could be 1,2,3/3,2,1.
(The text is provided by the student)意圖透過即時反應讓身體投入屬於自己 透過對事物美感產生過度用力反應去表達對事物崇拜. 過於依賴即時反應導致反噬跡象. 動物性. 然而透過自身觀察的習性讓自己投入於深處, 從而變得安靜. 這一 堆可能是 1,2,3 /3,2,1. 可能是1,2. 1