The New Macau Association organized a protest, to oppose the mutual recognition agreement for Macau and Mainland driving licenses. Sou Ka Hou is a political member of the New Macau Association, and the youngest legislator in the history of Macau. In 2014, he was part of a group who led 10,000 people to surround the Legislative Council, successfully forcing the government to withdraw the "perks" bill. Ka Hou dedicates his time to expand democracy, both in and out of Parliament. Fifty days after he took office... Outside Parliament, he participates in filming network programs to discuss current affairs issues, hoping to gain public attention. Song Pek Kei from Macau United Citizens Association joined pro-China associations at an early age and was determined to work in politics. She has different views on democracy. Kam Suet Ling is the current chairman of the New Macau Association. Originally a teacher, her employment was terminated without an explanation due to her participation in social movements. Macao Youth Dynamics planned a social movement, discussing current affairs on online forums, advocating a positive movement. Chou Kwok Ping previously taught at the University of Macau, and often publicly criticized the government, and the university eventually terminated his employment. He believes that Sou Ka Hou does not have much power in Parliament, but he can encourage more young people to participate in politics. Commentator Tam Chi Keung pointed out that Sou Ka Hou can use his political status to pull back the curtain in Parliament. Macau is world-famous for its gambling industry with its brilliance and extravagance, its political space however, is relatively narrow. Pursuing democracy among the cracks is not a simple task, some people will not give up, so how shall we walk the path in the future?新澳門學社發起遊行,反對澳門與內地駕駛執照互認協議。蘇嘉豪是該政治團體的成員,澳門史上最年輕的立法會議員。2014年,他有份帶領約一萬人包圍立法會,成功迫使政府撤回「離補」法案。嘉豪在議會內外積極擴大民主空間。他上任五十天,就發生……。議會外,他參與拍攝網台節目,解釋時事議題,希望喚醒市民關注。民建聯(民眾建澳聯盟)宋碧琪自小參加親中社團活動,立志從政。她對民主有不同的看法。甘雪玲是現任新澳門學社理事長,原是老師,因參與社運活動,被無理解僱。澳門青年動力策劃社運,在網台討論時事,主張快樂抗爭。仇國平曾在澳門大學任教,經常公開批評政府,最後遭大學終止續約。他認為,蘇嘉豪在議會勢單力薄,卻可以動員更多年輕人參政。評論員譚志強指出,蘇嘉豪能夠利用議員身份來揭發黑幕。澳門以賭業聞名世界,到處金碧輝煌,但政治空間相對狹窄。夾縫中追求民主並不容易,有人不放棄,以後的道路又怎樣走呢?