The 5th Global Chinese University Student Film and TV Festival 2007 [Best Short Dramatic Film Award] [Best Script Award], The 14th International Film and Television Schools' Festival 'MEDIASCHOOL 2007', Poland [Finalist], Kyoto International Student Video and Film Festival 2007, Japan [Finalist], The 5th International Short Film Festival ‘In the Palace’, Bulgaria [Official Selection], The 15th International ARTFILM Festival 2007, Solvak Republic [Offical Selection], International VGIK Student Festival 2007, Rus第五屆全球華語大學生影視獎 2007「最佳劇情片」「最佳劇本」, 第十四屆波蘭電影學院國際學生影視獎 2007「入圍作品」, 日本 Kyoto International Student Video and Film Festival 2007「入圍作品」, 第五屆保加利亞 International Short Film Festival ‘In the Palace’「入圍作品」, 第十五屆斯洛伐克 International ARTFILM Festival 2007「入圍作品」, 第二十七屆莫斯科電影學院國際學生電影獎 2007「入圍作品」
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Academy of Film電影學院  |  Master碩士  |  2007
00:30:0000:30:00  |  Movies劇情片

Delilah, a beer girl, frequently has sex with newly met males. One night, she meets Phil, a college student. Phil later confesses that he had witnessed her being raped, but he was too afraid to call the police. It shocks Delilah. Phil feels guilty and starts to take care of her. An intriguing relationship begins. 啤酒女郎瑛(Delilah)與陌生男子經常在家裡發生性行為。某夜,大學生菲爾在酒吧遇上瑛,覺得有點面熟。在瑛家裡,當他們正在親近的時候,菲爾突然匆匆離去。翌晚,菲爾再次在酒吧出現,向瑛道歉。原來菲爾曾目睹她被強姦,但因害怕而逃離現場。這番話給她帶來很大的打擊,菲爾深感內疚,主動往瑛家照顧自殘的她。二人產生了微妙的感情。
APA: CHAN, Tung Ching陳冬青. (2007). DelilahDelilah. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage:
MLA: CHAN, Tung Ching陳冬青. "DelilahDelilah". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2007. Web. 11 Mar. 2025. <>.

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