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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2011
00:08:0000:08:00  |  Animations動畫

A man and his puppy enjoy each other's company. They share happy moments with friends and dance together. Unfortunately the puppy gets ill seriously and will die soon. The man feels sad though he finds comfort and support from his friends. Then one day he is taken by surprise ... 陽光普照的早上,男子在睡夢中被小狗叫醒,隨後與小狗在洗手間裡玩作一團。在屋外,男子與一班好友共享快樂時光,與小狗漫遊樹林,並在輕快的音樂下與小狗共舞。可惜好景不再,男子在工作期間,小狗得了重病,男子傷心欲絕,並替小狗預備墓地。在這段難過的日子,好友一直陪伴在男子身旁,給予支持及安慰。一天,好友帶來……
APA: MOK, Yu Yan VivianMOK, Yu Yan Vivian. (2011). Blessing Next to YouBlessing Next to You. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010541
MLA: MOK, Yu Yan VivianMOK, Yu Yan Vivian. "Blessing Next to YouBlessing Next to You". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2011. Web. 18 Oct. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010541>.

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