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Department of Journalism新聞系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2018
00:16:0000:16:00  |  Documentaries紀錄片

Since 1990, poison baits have been found along popular dog walking routes such as Bowen Road and Black's Link. At least 200 dogs have been poisoned, and the culprit is still not found. | Sarah James, a dog owner, said that her dog was very painful after being poisoned and she felt very helpless. Although it survived, it was left with a sequela of epilepsy. | The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is assisting in the investigation. Fiona Woodhouse, Deputy Director of Animal Welfare Department at the Association, points out that it would be difficult for them to trace these culprits and not easy to prosecute them. | Amanda Whitfort, a legal scholar, explains that since what the offenders do is putting out poisoned bait, unless he or she is arrested on spot, it is difficult to take them to court under the current legislation. Since 1930, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap 169) has not been amended. The definition of "cruel treatment" in this Ordinance is outdated. Sally Andersen is the founder of the Hong Kong Dog Rescue. She said the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Sale and Breeding) Regulation (Cap 139B) was introduced last year. The profiteers might exploit the loopholes of laws. For example, they could sell dogs in the name of adoption… | Amanda Whitfort also points out that Cap 139B has been an important step in the modernization of the law but the progress is still slow. The legislation covers only animal sales while other areas are not included. | Claudia Mo Man-ching, a Legislative Council member, believes that Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-Ngor does not see animal rights as important and so not much will change during her term of office. | Amanda Whitfort reiterates the need to amend the law. Offenders should be prosecuted even if they just put out poison baits and no evidence should be needed for conviction… 從1990年以來,寶雲道與布力徑等遛狗熱點,不斷發現毒餌。至少有二百條狗中毒,下毒者仍然在逃。狗主Sarah James講述,她的愛犬中毒後痛苦萬分,她感到十分無助。牠雖死裡逃生,卻留下癲癇這種後遺症。愛護動物協會(SPCA)協助調查毒殺犬隻事件。該會動物福利副總監Fiona Woodhouse指出,該會追查下毒者有其困難之處,不容易把他們繩之以法。法律學者Amanda Whitfort指出,疑犯放置毒餌,除非當場被捕,否則在現行法例下難以入罪。自1930年以來,《防止殘酷對待動物條例》(Cap 169)並沒有修訂,該條例對「殘酷對待」的定義已經過時。Sally Andersen是救狗之家(Hong Kong Dog Rescue)的創辦人。她指出,《公眾衛生(動物及禽鳥)(售賣及繁育)規例》(Cap 139B)在去年出台,奸商會鑽法律空子,例如:他們借「領養」之名販賣犬隻……。Amanda Whitfort又指出,Cap 139B 是法例現代化的重要一步,進展仍然不足。該法例只涵蓋動物售賣,其他範圍不包括在內。立法會議員毛孟靜認為,香港行政長官林鄭月娥不重視動物權益,任期內不會大有作為……。Amanda Whitfort再指出,我們需要修改法例,放置毒餌已經可以入罪,不需要有人證……
APA: MA, Chun Wai (Daniel)馬振瑋. (2018). Bowen Road Dog Prisoner: Animal Laws in Hong KongBowen Road Dog Prisoner: Animal Laws in Hong Kong. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011285
MLA: MA, Chun Wai (Daniel)馬振瑋. "Bowen Road Dog Prisoner: Animal Laws in Hong KongBowen Road Dog Prisoner: Animal Laws in Hong Kong". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2018. Web. 18 Oct. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011285>.

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