It is one of the best 15 animations in Asia and shown at the CG Overdrive Conference in Singapore on 14-16 July 2006新加坡CG Overdrive會議的十五個亞洲地區最佳動畫之一 (2006/7/14-16)
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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2005
00:11:0000:11:00  |  Animations動畫

After her parents split up, a young girl is brought up by her grandmother. A combination of a bitter break-up with her first love and the death of her grandmother cause her to start drinking. Then she meets the man who will become her husband, and she leads a happy and fulfilled life. 小女孩在父母親的期待下出生,父母不久卻離異了,丟下小女孩給祖母撫養。漸漸,小女孩在祖母的關愛下成長,與小伙子談戀愛,經歷分手的痛苦,回到祖母的溫暖懷抱,安撫受傷的心。祖母死去,女孩受不了打擊,借酒澆愁,遇見了人生的伴侶,共譜愛曲:結婚、生小孩。女人日漸老邁,最後帶著兒孫的祝福離別了這個世界。這,是個天使的故事。
APA: HO, Ka HooHO, Ka Hoo. (2005). The Story of AngelThe Story of Angel. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage:
MLA: HO, Ka HooHO, Ka Hoo. "The Story of AngelThe Story of Angel". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2005. Web. 18 Oct. 2024. <>.

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