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Department of Journalism新聞系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2017
00:14:0000:14:00  |  Documentaries紀錄片

People Who Have No Freedom

Auyeung Siu Hung (歐陽肇鴻), a member from a group that fights for Hong Kong's core values (旺角鳩嗚團), laughs at the ignorance of Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor (林鄭月娥). He thinks that the Chief Executive Election should be a competition between Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor and John Tsang Chun Wah (曾俊華), and his group was hoping that John Tsang would win. | Ho Chi Chung (何志忠) was a supporter of John Tsang. He feels that John Tsang seems to be more communicative than other legislative councilors when compared with Carrie Lam who is less relaxed, and so the future with John Tsang may look more harmonious. | Henry Wong Pak Yu (王百羽) is on the election committee of the IT sector but he does not accept “small-circle” election. | Auyeung thinks that it is a big mistake that Leung Kwok Hung (梁國雄) runs for the Chief Executive Election. He will not have any chance of winning, but only "thinned-out" the votes of the Pro-democracy Camp. Henry Wong explains his political principles and said he will not give up because of the Chief Executive Election. He has nominated Woo Kwok Hing (胡國興) because he agrees with Wu's political platform when compared with other candidates. Regina Ip Lau Suk Yee (葉劉淑儀) wants to run for election but Henry Wong laughs at her as having no accomplishments and overrating her own ability. In the end, Regina Lau may not have enough votes to be nominated. Therefore, candidates for the Chief Executive Election would have only three people, including Woo Kwok Hing, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor and John Tsang Chun Wah. | After the Chief Executive Election forums, Ho Chi Chung and Henry Wong reviewed the performance of Carrie Lam. Auyeung believes that their campaign in support of John Tsang may help his popularity rating and influence the Chinese government to consider the opinions of Hong Kong people. Ho Chi Chung feels that the Chief Executive Election is more like a political stunt which depends on who plays the game well. Henry Wong states that the candidates are actually not focused on getting support from the citizens, rather they are...
APA: CHOW, Hoi Yin周愷妍. (2017). 圈牢養民圈牢養民. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011239
MLA: CHOW, Hoi Yin周愷妍. "圈牢養民圈牢養民". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2017. Web. 18 Oct. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011239>.

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CHAN, Victoria Chee Yan
YEUNG, Ming Chu
LAM, Yeuk Yu
CHOW, Hoi Yin
HUI, Yuk Chu
HO, Ching Ha
HO, Ching Ha
MA, Ching Ching