Get Lost is a game. Not the kind of game that people compete against each other, nor those you have to win a trophy. Take D.Dial for a walk and get lost in your own city, the city you are familiar with. D.Dial is a device for an urban dérive experience. It is a compass, or perhaps a Chinese Feng Shui luopan, or may be a time device, or even an armillary sphere. In any case, it’s navigational. Follow it to wander the streets, get lost, and have fun. Maybe you’ll make a journey to the moon!
(The text is provided by the student)
「迷路」是一個遊戲 - 既不是競技遊戲,也不是有獎遊戲。與D.Dial散步,它可以令你在熟悉的城市中迷路。它是一個指南針,或是中國的風水羅盤,或某種時間儀器,甚至是一個天文儀。在任何情況下,它將令你迷路,流浪街頭,尋找樂趣,甚至令你發現月亮﹗