After an affair, a woman eats the steak prepared by the man – and dies of poison. A man learns that his mistress is seeing another man. He makes some steak and invites her home for some fun - only to be killed by his wife. Wreaked with guilt, the wife ends her own life.分為三章的悲劇,源於人性中的三毒:貪、瞋、痴。情婦跟有婦之夫翻雲覆雨之後,對桌上的珠寶起貪念,更吃掉男人煮的牛扒,結果中毒身亡。男人看見情人跟別人有性交易,起了迷闇之心,把情人叫回家,在牛扒中下毒,自己卻被提早回家的妻子所殺。妻子殺掉偷情丈夫,懊惱不已,最後自殺。三毒相應,萬劫不復,殃墮無間。