A turtle feels very excited about finding many gold coins, and he tries to keep them for himself. By that time, a shiny and colorful turtle shell appears. After comparing it with his own grey and dull shell, the turtle puts on this new one. Then, he hears some strange noise ...小龜在山洞內發現很多金幣,感到心花怒放,想據為己有。一個光彩斑斕的龜殼從天而降,小龜又起貪念,脫下自己破舊的龜殼,費盡心機仍然穿不上彩殼。牠無計可施之際,一時不慎,與彩殼一同跌倒,彩殼剛巧套在牠的身上!小龜正在得意忘形的時候,突然聽到怪聲頻頻響起,十分惶恐,立刻縮進殼內。原來……