To prepare for the 2010 Asian Games, the Guangzhou government decides to demolish most historical buildings. I try to locate the old house that I lived when I was a child, but I am not successful. Seeing the rapid changes in Guangzhou with "demolition" signs everywhere, I sigh with regret as no one cares about the cultural protection.為了迎接2010年亞運會這件盛事,廣東省政府決定將廣州市內大部分的歷史建築物在一日內拆除。我再次回到廣州,尋找童年時與爺爺同住的大屋,眼見廣州的急促變遷,四周標誌「拆」的建築物觸目皆是,兒時舊居也不能幸免!城市化的巨輪急劇向前,人們卻忽視歷史建築物的保護,令人不勝唏噓。