Asia Digital Journalism Student Award 2018: First Runner-up亞洲數碼新聞學生獎亞軍
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Department of Journalism新聞系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2018
00:15:0000:15:00  |  Documentaries紀錄片

Libra Sin, a married woman, talks about her concept of "home". She believes that a safe and happy home is important, and is necessary. The housing price in Hong Kong is so high the couple could not afford to buy their own apartment. They had been living their parents to lower costs and save expense. | Syed Qasid Ali immigrated to Hong Kong from Pakistan. Although rent is expensive, the living condition is unsatisfactory. He regrets coming to Hong Kong because the reality is too far from his expectation. | Lee Wai Wing used to live on the street for 20 years. He has difficulty getting used to the condition in public housing and misses the freedom to live on the street. | Many Hong Kong residents live in extremely small space. Tommy Fung, a photographer, created a series of surreal photos that reflect this kind of reality. He proposed to build living space on the sea since Hong Kong is a coastal city. | Ivan Chan, founder of Markbox, points out that Hong Kong is the first to build "container apartment". He hopes that "container apartments" could be made as safe and comfortable as an airport lounge. He also points out the biggest problem in building container apartments... 已婚的Libra Sin訴說她對「家」的看法。她認為,安樂窩不是必要,也是很重要的。樓價仍高,兩口子無力買房子,曾與翁姑同居,又減少不必要的花費。Syed Qasid Ali從巴基斯坦移民香港,寓所租金昂貴,居住環境卻欠佳。他覺得,來港的決定是錯誤的,期望與現實有很大落差。Lee Wai Wing曾露宿街頭約二十年。他難以適應公屋環境,緬懷過去自由的露宿生活。香港很多人居住環境窄小,攝影師Tommy Fung創作出超現實的樓宇畫面來表達這種情況。他提議建造水上居所,因為香港原是漁港。Markbox創辦人Ivan Chan指出,香港是最早使用貨櫃屋的地方。他希望貨櫃屋像機場候機室一般安全和舒適。他又指出,興建貨櫃屋,最大的困難是……
APA: TAI, Chung Yee戴仲儀. (2018). Home through the lens of alternative storytellersHome through the lens of alternative storytellers. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage:
MLA: TAI, Chung Yee戴仲儀. "Home through the lens of alternative storytellersHome through the lens of alternative storytellers". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2018. Web. 18 Oct. 2024. <>.

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